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2016 Direct Sales Area (from January to December)

JA Direct Sales Area (the strawberry season arrival!)

Direct Sales Area (Harumi)

News ... of ... JA Direct Sales Area oasis Events

  I decide the second because of a favorable reception in the last time!
Schedule Saturday, February 27 Sunday, February 28
In in front of place JA Direct Sales Area service counter (is divided into twice in the afternoon in the morning.)
Blackbeard crisis blow hina doll rescue mission!
I look forward to participation.

I look forward to participation.

Just before the Doll's Festival
A hina doll disappearance case!
We defeat the Blackbeard who caught a hina doll, and let's save it!
I will let the Doll's Festival succeed together
Much participation is the keys to success!

... JA Events Blackbeard hina doll rescue mission! ...

1 million people of cash register passage achieved it.

Such a cute hina doll meets the oasis four season when I enter.

News of JA Valentine's Day

JA Valentine's Day *umabijinyoyakujufuchu

The New Year test of luck Events (1/30-1/31)

The February JA four season (seasonal vegetables fruit calendar)

It is Coming-of-Age Day and the cutting of the New Year's rice cake on Monday, January 11. zenzaino for free distribution was carried out

I pounded zenzainoo rice cake hard. Thank you for your work.

Lots form a line!

I renewed a JA Oita Direct Sales Area oasis (Hitotose)!

I renewed a JA Oita Direct Sales Area oasis (Hitotose)! Green meat flower bread liquor lunches perform various preparation. Pretty Totoro waits how about once in ... doorway when it is gone to visit this summer!

"Sweet Futoshi" extreme popularity!

Sweet Futoshi

Quite regional high sugar content sweet potato "sweet Futoshi" appearance!
It is very sweet and is moistened and is delicious

I renewed it!

Plum Ode load from Sanko!

Plum Ode load from Sanko!
"Honey Rosa"
It is very sweet and is delicious.
Plum Ode load from Sanko!
"Oishi premature delivery"
Vitamin C is plentiful and is very popular with customers!
Roadside Station Nakatsu
814 Ooaza-Kaku, Nakatsu City, Oita Prefecture
TEL.FAX: 0979-64-8830
  • JA Oita Direct Sales Area
    The oasis four season
  • Restaurant
  • Indoor Plaza

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